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How insurable is your vehicle?

Select your vehicle and we'll tell you how your vehicle may affect your rates

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Select your car model

Simply select your vehicle's year, make, and model.

Check your rating

Check your rating

We'll let you know how your vehicle affects your rate.

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Shop for insurance!

Use the Cover app to shop for the cheapest insurance.

What do these numbers mean?


When you select your vehicle in the car insurance calculator, you’ll see the overall insurance impact for your vehicle as a score out of five.

This meant to give you an idea of what kind of impact your vehicle could have on your premiums relative to other vehicles you could be driving. This is a score relative to other vehicles, so if your car gets a top rating, it’s in the top 20 percent of cars.

You’ll then see this rating broken down by six different types of insurance, Property Damage Liability, Bodily Injury Liability, Collision, Comprehensive, Medical Payments, and Personal Injury Protection.

You vehicle can affect all of these types of insurance in different ways, from the inclusion of certain safety features, to the relative cost of the car.

How does the car insurance calculator work?


Cover analysed the rating factors for every vehicle in the last eight years, for the key types of insurance: Liability, Collision, Comprehensive, PIP and Medpay.

Based on these rating factors we grouped cars by these different types of insurance to show you whether your car would help lower your premiums for that type of insurance compared to other cars out there.

Will this be reflected in the rate that I pay?


The only car insurance calculator that matters is the quotes that you get from insurance companies — and there are a lot more things that will determine your rate than your car.

Your age, zip code, driving history, claim history, will all play a part. Even things like your credit score or marital status might have an impact.

Whatever car your drive, these things will also raise or lower your rate.

Ready to get started with quote?


When you select your vehicle in the car insurance calculator, you’ll see the overall insurance impact for your vehicle as a score out of five.

This meant to give you an idea of what kind of impact your vehicle could have on your premiums relative to other vehicles you could be driving. This is a score relative to other vehicles, so if your car gets a top rating, it’s in the top 20 percent of cars.

If you’re looking for a quote right now, Cover is here to help. Just download the Cover app for free from the App Store or Google Play to get started.